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14 Real Tech Ventures that "will be great from now on" are honored. The Real Tech Venture of the Year 2022 award winners have been selected.


 Since 2015, Liverness Inc. has been recognizing "venture companies involved in unique, novel, and high-growth businesses in the real tech domain" as "Real Tech Venture of the Year". By doing so, we aim to raise awareness of the creation of real-tech ventures in society as a whole, and present role models for the next generation of entrepreneurs.

 Companies are selected on the basis of their "Question and Passion" that can change the world, their uniqueness, novelty, and growth potential in the real-tech field, and their implementation system with execution capability. We have established a Startup Division for companies established within 3 years, a Growth Division for companies established between 3 and 15 years, and a Boost Division for companies that have gone through an IPO or M&A. We have awarded 52 companies in the past 7 years. In the past 7 years, we have awarded 52 companies.

In 2022, a total of 14 companies received awards: 5 in the Startup category, 7 in the Growth category, and 2 in the Boost category.

Award-winning company

 Startup Division

Ashirase Corporation

Representative: Ayumu Chino
Vision: Creating human wealth by "walking
Core technologies: Sensing technology, 3D device molding technology, navigation algorithms

Emulsion Flow Technologies, Inc. 

Representative: Hiroshi Suzuki
Vision: Connecting limited rare metal resources to the future
Core technology: Emulsion Flow, a solvent extraction technology that enables high purity purification with high efficiency.


Representative: Hironori Yoshida
Vision: Reduce 1% of global food loss by 2030
Core technology: Upcycle food loss in a delicious way by utilizing originally developed recipes and fermentation technology.

BIOTA Corporation

Representative: ITO Kohei
Vision: Achieving a comfortable future life in harmony with microorganisms
Core technology: Analysis linking environmental factors and microbial community structure in various built environments.

INOCA Corporation

Representative: TAKAKURA Hata
Vision: Creating a world where people and nature coexist in harmony for the next 100 years
Core Technology: Environmental Transfer Technology

 Growth Division

KAICO Corporation

Representative: YAMATO Kenta
Vision: Save the world with oral vaccines
Core Technology: Protein expression using silkworm-baculovirus expression system

ExtraBold Corporation

Representative: Yuji Hara
Vision: Toward the future of distributed manufacturing
Core Technology: Material recyclable additive manufacturing technology and proprietary 3D print head

A.L.I. Technologies Inc.

Representative: KATANO Daisuke
Vision: Changing the structure of society from the "air space
Core technology: Control technology for hoverbikes that can be used safely, securely, and comfortably.

MyCan Technologies, Inc.

Representative: Kazuo Miyazaki
Vision: Create a world where people can live without fear of infectious disease threats.
Core technology: immortalized immature specialized blood cells can be developed and produced in large quantities.

CuboRex Corporation 

Representative: TERASHIMA Mizuhito
Vision: Pioneer of rugged terrain, pioneering the "unknown" where there are no roads
Core Technology: Rough terrain driving technology

Betaace, Inc.

Representative: Takashi Yamashita
Vision: Making chocolate new
Core technology: High-quality chocolate production technology with unique texture and aroma

Terra Labs, Inc.

Representative: Takahide Matsuura
Vision: Think of the TERRA from the Universe
Core technology: Construction and operation of a wide-area disaster response information support system using long-range unmanned aerial vehicles

 Boost Division (of the LDP)

Exa Wizards Inc.

Representative: Kou Ishiyama
Vision: Realize a happy society by solving social issues using AI
Core technology: exaBase, an AI platform used by more than 500 companies, half of which are among the top 100 companies in Japan by market capitalization

Photosynth Corporation

Representative: Kota Kawase
Vision: Embedding inspiring experiences into the future through connected manufacturing
Core Technologies: IoT and wireless communication control technology and cloud security and authentication technology

For more information on the award-winning companies and a list of past award winners, please visit the following website.

LIVERNESS Corporation
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TEL: 03-5227-4198
