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Biotech Grand Prix 2022 Preliminary Report: the Grand Prize goes to MBF


The Biotech Grand Prix 2022 was held on Saturday, September 24, 2022 at the Center of Garage to select the winning teams for the Grand Prize and the Company Prize.

Starting with the 2020 season, the Tech Planter will evolve its concept to "Deep Issue & Deep Tech Explorer," which will use "Deep Tech," a collection of science and technology, to solve unsolved "Deep Issue" problems. Tech Explorer," which is a collection of science and technology to solve "Deep Issues" through "Deep Tech.

In addition, this year we have added "ability to expand overseas" to the existing four criteria of "novelty, feasibility, potential to change the world, and passion" as a new criterion for judging. The intent is to encourage early-stage companies to look globally, and to accelerate new development through collaboration with the 1126 Alumni teams (as of September 1, 2022) and other overseas tech planters sponsored by RIVANES.

On the day of the event, the 12 Biotech Grand Prix finalist teams, selected from among the 349 teams that applied to Tech Planter 2022, gave passionate presentations on their ideas for solving global problems through the use of microorganisms, cell engineering, genetic engineering, brain science, catalytic chemistry, AI, and other technologies. The teams presented their passionate ideas for solving global problems.

And the winner of the prestigious Grand Prize wasMBF".

Osamu Hiwaki, MBF (Hiroshima City University)gave a presentation titled "Magnetic Field Probe BMI for Highly Accurate Noninvasive Measurement of Brain Functions. He shared his vision of creating a high-precision wearable brain-machine interface that reads potential brain information with high spatio-temporal resolution and links it to a computer using a newly devised technology for non-invasively measuring brain signals with a coil placed on the scalp. Although the technology is still in the development stage, the realization of high-precision visualization of brain information using Japan-originated technology is expected to lead to a better understanding of the human "mind" at a stroke. The award was given with the hope and determination that partner companies will support the team by sharing their knowledge and assets.


Grand Prize.MBF Membersand the entire jury


List of Company Awards and Grand Prizes

Team Name Theme name winning (a prize)
Ecocell Corporation Accelerating the design of a cellular society and contributing to the biotechnology industry Euglena Award
bacterico, Inc. Performance Maximization and Personal Bacteria Supplement "Bi-Fit Kirin Group Award
u-bloom inc. Skin microbiome design
MeBio Inc. Social Implementation of Photoswitch Proteins for Bioproduction
Epistra Corporation Optimization of production conditions in the bio-industry Suntory Prize
MBF Magnetic field probe BMI for highly accurate non-invasive brain function measurement Grand Prize
Meiji Holdings Award
Nanocat Gold Controlling the aroma of alcoholic and other beverages using supported gold nanoparticles Real Tech Fund Award
Protein Burden 1Optimization of protein production at the cellular level
zeni coated blanket Development of Zeni Moss Synthetic Biology Platform Roth Prize
Biosensing Team Development of a reagent that glows when a virus is present
barrier keeper Achieving a Society with Zero Stress Intestinal Disease
Circular Cell Culture Consortium Cultured food production by circular cell culture Asahi Prize
Mitsui Chemicals Award


Results of public voting (votes by non-jury partner participants and finalist teams)

1st place Circular Cell Culture Consortium
2nd place MBF
3rd place Epistra Corporation
Protein Burden


Demo Day Implementation Overview

  • Grand Prix name: Biotech Grand Prix 2022
  • Location: Center of Garage (1-16-3 Yokogawa, Sumida-ku, Tokyo 130-0003, Japan)
  • Date: Saturday, September 24, 2022, 13:00-19:00
  • Eligibility: Closed, pre-registration required (entry teams, partner companies, Superfactory Group Professional Supporters)
  • Website: https://techplanter.com/biotech/2022/