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Deep Tech Venture of the Year 2023" honors 10 Japanese deep tech ventures.

「Deep Tech Venture of the Year 2023」日本のディープテックベンチャー10社を表彰

(Head Office: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo; Group CEO: Yukihiro Maru) will hold an award ceremony on April 8, 2023 (Saturday) for the "Deep Tech Venture of the Year," a newly established award system for deep tech ventures that take on the challenge of solving deep issues in 2023. The ceremony will be held on Saturday, April 8, 2023.

RIVERNESS Group believes that now is the time for Southeast Asia to showcase the growth of deep tech ventures to the world, so we held the Deep Tech Venture of the Year Award Ceremony at theFirst held in Malaysia on January 17, 2023 andThe awards were presented to venture companies in four countries (Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, and Indonesia).

In Japan, the "Real Tech Venture of the Year" award system, which has been in place since 2015, has honored 66 companies over the past eight years as "venture companies involved in unique, novel, and high-growth businesses in the real tech domain. The awards have been rebranded to "Deep Tech Venture of the Year" with the aim of creating role models for the next generation of entrepreneurs and fostering an awareness of the need to create deep tech ventures in society as a whole.

In 2023, 4 companies in the startup sector (companies established within 3 years) and 6 companies in the growth sector (companies established between 3 and 15 years)A total of 10 companies received the award.

Deep Tech Venture of the Year 2023 Overview

Date: Saturday, April 8, 2023, 13:00-17:00 (doors open at 12:00) 

Venue:center of a garage(1-16-3 Yokogawa, Sumida-ku, Tokyo)

Web page: https://techplanter.com/deep_tech/

Award-winning company

Startup Division

ElevationSpace Corporation
 Representative: Ryohei Kobayashi
 Mission: To create a world where everyone can live in space and enrich the future of humanity.
 Core technologies: small satellite manufacturing technology, atmospheric re-entry technology

Eight Knots Co.
 Representative: Hiroto Kimura
 Vision: Make every kind of water mobility autonomous and make way for the sea 
 Core Technologies: Control and Sensor Fusion

ARK Corporation
 Representative: Koyo Takenoshita
 Vision: Decentralization of Aquaculture / Democratization of land-based aquaculture through small and decentralized
 Core Technologies: Energy-saving water tank design technology, IoT/control technology

Solafune Corporation
 Representative: Neri Kamiji
 Mission: Hack The Planet.
 Core Technology: Satellite Data Analysis Technology

Growth Division

Liberaware Inc.
 Representative: Min, Hong-Kyung
 Vision: Creating a safe society for everyone
 Core technology: World's smallest drone and infrastructure DX solution specialized for inspection and measurement of "narrow, dark, dirty" and "indoor spaces

WOTA Corporation
 Representative: Maeda Yosuke
 Vision: Solving the world's water problems with "small-scale decentralized water circulation systems
 Core Technology: Autonomous control technology for water treatment

Kenrobotech Corporation
 Representative: MABE Tatsuya
 Vision: Create the world's most human-friendly workplaces
 Core technology: Collaborative robot solutions that "work together with people" to perform simple, high-volume, demanding, and dangerous tasks in construction work in place of people.

The Harmony Co.
 Representative: Kazuya Takahashi
 Vision: Making everyone involved in nursing care happy
 Core Technology: Dementia Communication Robot with Dementia Dialogue System

adacotech corporation
 Representative: KAWAMURA Ryota
 Vision: To support the evolution and innovation of manufacturing.
 Core technology: Anomaly detection technology utilizing Higher-order Local Auto-Correlation (HLAC) feature extraction method

JEPLAN Corporation
 Representative: IWAMOTO Yoshihiko
 Vision: Bringing everything into circulation
 Core technology: Unique chemical recycling technology that recycles PET materials to nearly the same quality as petroleum-derived materials

Reference book

To purchasethis way (direction close to the speaker or towards the speaker)

Deep Tech: The "Sleeping Technology" That Will Shape the Future of the World
Author: Yukihiro Maru, Kazuhiro Ohara
Publisher: Nikkei BP Inc.

Deep Tech 書影

Riverness Corporation, Founding Development Division/Investment Development Research Center
MAIL:[email protected]
TEL: 03-5227-4198
