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  • Medtec Grand Prix KOBE

MedTech Grand Prix KOBE2023 Finalists have been selected!

メドテックグランプリKOBE2023 ファイナリストが決定しました

The 12 finalist teams for the MEDTECH Grand Prix KOBE 2023, to be held on Saturday, October 7, 2023, have been selected. On the Demo Day, the finalists will give presentations on the issues they are working to solve, their core technologies, and business plans.
List of finalists

Team Name theme
Arktus Therapeutics, Inc. Research and development of cellular knee prostheses derived from iPS cells
CollaWind Inc. Providing collagen sheets for early healing of gum wounds
MEDEMIL Corporation Diagnosis of the brain through the eyes for prevention of automobile accidents and early detection of diseases
Institute for Antibody Medicine, Inc. Descending into the valley of death with the antibodies we grew up with - the challenge of pulmonary fibrosis
Inpharmacia Corporation Working Fat" for a Healthier Society Even in Old Age
Regenerforty Corporation Treatment of Spinal Cord Injury with Novel Neural Stem Cell Culture Supernatant
Sudix Biotech, Inc. Development of a new treatment for cancer using anti-carbohydrate antibodies
killer T Development of Cancer mRNA Vaccine for Cancer Eradication
PNP Vision Cancer diagnostic device using single-particle analysis technology
alkanchelle Development of a rehabilitation support system to induce brain function activation
OsteoChemicals Creation of a novel osteogenic drug with strong osteoinductive potential
Anti-Cancer Technologies, Inc. Development of photoimmunotherapy-based eradication of pancreatic cancer stem cells

Demonstration Day

Date and Time Saturday, October 7, 2023, 13:00-19:10
venue Kobe University Integrated Research Center Convention Hall

(7-1-48 Minatojima Minamimachi, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Japan)

Program 12:30-13:00 Doors open and registration

13:00-13:30 Opening and Organizer's Greetings

13:30-17:00 Finalist Presentations (12 teams)

17:00-18:00 Examination time

18:00-19:10 Announcement of judging results and award ceremony

organizing Kobe Medical Industry Development Organization, Kobe City, REVANES Co.

For inquiries regarding this matter, please contact
LIVERNESS Corporation
Attn: NAKAJIMA [email protected]
