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Agritech Grand Prix 2023 Preliminary Report: Grand Prize Won by Endofight Inc.


The Agri-Tech Grand Prix 2023 was held on Saturday, September 16, 2023 at the Center of Garage to select the winning teams for the Grand Prize and the Company Prize.

Starting with the 2020 season, the Tech Planter will evolve its concept to "Deep Issue & Deep Tech Explorer," which will use "Deep Tech," a collection of science and technology, to solve unsolved "Deep Issues. Tech Explorer," which is a collection of science and technology to solve "Deep Issues" through "Deep Tech". We aim to encourage a global perspective from the early stage, and to accelerate new developments through collaboration with the 1371 teams (as of September 1, 2023) of Alumni and others in the overseas Tech Planter hosted by RIVERNESS. On the day of the event, the 12 Agri-Tech Grand Prix finalist teams, selected from among the 336 teams that applied to Tech Planter 2023, gave passionate presentations on their ideas for using technology to solve problems that could lead to solutions to social issues that will advance food production.

The winner of the prestigious Grand Prize was End Fight Inc.
Endophyte Corporation gave a presentation titled "Realizing Recycling-Oriented Agriculture through the Use of Endophyte. The company shared its vision of introducing cultivation methods using endophyte technology to farmers, enabling them to grow better than usual in environments where it would otherwise be difficult to grow, thereby solving the world's food crisis, regenerating soil, and decarbonizing agriculture.
Based on the accumulation of research that could solve problems in food production and the enthusiasm to change the world of the representatives who truly fell in love with it, all the judges worked together,The Grand Prize was awarded in the hopes that it will begin the challenge of how to implement technology in the respective climates, national cultures, and economies of countries around the world.


Grand Prize winner Endofight Inc. and the entire jury

List of Company Awards and Grand Prizes

Team Name Theme name winning (a prize)
End Fight Inc. Realization of recycling-oriented agriculture through the use of endophytes Grand Prize

Musashi Precision Industry Award

Real Tech Fund Award

Rafikieri Corporation New agricultural systems with tropical crops and semi-domesticated insects
Life Labolatory, Inc. Drone-based grazing cattle management system
e-Combu e-Combu - Saving the Earth with Mottainai Kombu Environmental Management Center Award
younger woman (usu. 20-30 years old) who is physically attracted to mature older men (usu. 50-60 years old) Wearable sensor to visualize animal stress Rebox Award
OH Lab Development of disinfection water as an alternative to chemical pesticides Aqua Clara Award


Delicious Feed Animal taste biosensors Nipun Award
cherry tree with edible fruit (esp. sweet cherry or Nanking cherry) Finding acupuncture points to improve drainage by sticking needles into agricultural land Focus Systems Award
Japanese horse botfly (Gasterophilus intestinalis) Space-saving, highly efficient resource conversion and comprehensive utilization of food waste
Livestock Japan, LLC Development of a measurement system to accelerate methane reduction in livestock production Meiji Holdings Award
cacao fermentation lab Making Setagaya Chocolate SIGMAXIS Award
LipiDream Development of lipid-type biodegradable materials for smart agriculture

Demo Day Implementation Overview

    • Grand Prix name: Agritech Grand Prix 2023
    • Location: Center of Garage (1-16-3 Yokogawa, Sumida-ku, Tokyo 130-0003, Japan)
    • Date: Saturday, September 16, 2022, 13:00-19:00
    • Eligibility: Closed, pre-registration required (entry teams, partner companies, Superfactory Group Professional Supporters)
    • Agritech Grand Prix 2023: https://techplanter.com/agritech/2023/
    • Related Pages:Agritech Grand Prix