Information for finalists

Information for Finalists

  1. 01Process from Finalist Selection to Demo Day
  2. 02Confirmation of information for publication
  3. 03About the Presentation
  4. 04Timeline of the day
  5. 05About the jury and other finalists



Process from Finalist Selection to Demo Day

You will brush up your presentation with the communicator in charge of RIVANES, and then go to the Demo Day (presentation meeting).
Interviews with partners may be set up as appropriate.
We will also seek advice from experts and town factories as needed to promote the project.

Presentation brush-up flow in interviews

  • 1st mtg based on documents, determine direction of presentation
  • 2nd Once based on the draft presentation prepared, check and feedback
  • Third session: Final presentation check

Confirmation of information for publication

The following information will be published on the web, leaflets, magazines, etc. to introduce them as finalists.

  1. Company Name
  2. Theme name
  3. 100 Character Summary
  4. Photo of the Speakers
  5. Team profile photo (based on the one received at the time of application)

About the Presentation

Tech Planter 7 Minute Presentation Strategy (for researchers)

Submitted File Format

  • PowerPoint
  • PDF (Please also submit a PDF for print confirmation)
  • Aspect ratio should be 16:9


Presentation time 7 min.
Q&A 7 min.

Slide Format Restrictions

  • Keep animation low.
    Too many animations lose time.
  • Keep data size low.
    Slide feed may take some time
  • Apply in advance if you want to use sound or video
    It is important that the staff understands that sound is important
  • Limit on the number of sheets
    The number of slides not used for the main purpose of the presentation is limited to 5. The number of slides for advance circulation and printing is limited. Please carefully select what you need before submitting your presentation.


Please do not ever post confidential information on your slides, or talk about it in the main part of your presentation, in the Q&A session, or in the social gathering afterwards.

What to expect in your presentation

  • Is the content capable of making the judges and the audience your friends?
    We encourage you to share your awareness of the issues as well as the social context. If the judges understand the issues and sympathize with your thoughts, they will begin to feel a sense of camaraderie and a desire to work together to solve the problem.
  • Is it clear what the purpose of your participation is (and the support you need)?
    In addition to the judges, there are many other visitors to the venue. They are a reserve army of peers with diverse networks and expertise. If you are clear in your presentation that you need this kind of support (first of all, you need friends, ideas, expertise, etc.), it will be a shortcut to solving that issue.

Rivanes can also help you with the above organization, and we would be happy to discuss things with you during our meetings or even in our regular emails.
Please click on the link below to view the reference slides.
7-minute presentation strategy


It is easier for people to remember the company name and business as a set if the company name or logo is included in the header/footer of the slide, etc.


Timeline of the day

Here is the timeline for Demo Day 2020.

time Contents
10:30 Finalists assembled
Projection test and booth setup
(Completed by 11:30 a.m., free until 12:30 p.m. when finished, lunch break, etc.)
11:30 Jury assembly
Start of meeting (-complete by 12:00, move on)
12:00 Awards Ceremony Rehearsal
(Finalists, judges, moderator, camera. (Break as soon as finished, until start)
12:30 inauguration
13:00 Opening remarks by the organizer and judges
13:30 Part 1 (Presentations 1-4)
14:30 break
14:45 Part 2 (Presentations 5-8)
15:45 break
16:00 Part 3 (Presentations 9-12)
17:00 Jury Exit, Venue Voting, Booth Interaction or Break
17:50 commendation or awards ceremony
19:00 end

About the jury and other finalists

Each demo day will be posted on the respective demo day page in due course.