RIVERNESS has been developing "TECH PLANTER" since 2013, and from 2020, it will be positioned as a platform to "solve unsolved issues "deep issues" with "deep tech", a collection of science and technology. The platform is positioned as a platform for "solving unsolved issues with "Deep Tech," a collection of science and technology. As a result of various organizations gradually moving in a coordinated "venture-first" manner to solve problems, the pace of finding entry teams has improved by about 10 times, and the number of partners from major companies and local factories has increased from 8 in the first year to 55 in FY2020. Nevertheless, we would like to share with you the "substance" rather than the numbers. I would like to introduce what happens in the Tech Planter ecosystem, using the perspectives of people, products, money, and mirai (nurturing the next generation) as an entry point.
human (Homo sapiens)
It has long been known that Japanese people have low motivation for entrepreneurship, and it has been a challenge that few researchers have the desire to move toward social implementation with entrepreneurship. In the course of the Tech Planter, various role models have been visualized, and an increasing number of researchers who aspire to social implementation have gone on to start their own businesses. For example, Mr. Yanagisawa returned to graduate school to promote his research after working experience, and joined Cell Fiber to implement his lab's technology in society. Mr. Tsuboi's passion for space led him to start his own company while working on research as a student. Currently, he is working both in Japan and overseas at Sagri, which contributes to solving agricultural and environmental problems in developing countries using SPACE × AI × GRID. The number of researchers challenging to solve problems will continue to increase in the future.

Traditionally, Japanese town factories and local small and midsize companies were not customers of venture companies. Factories in Shenzhen and Taiwan were also not consulted on the basis of what they wanted to do. Researchers and venture companies struggling with conceptual design had no one to consult about manufacturing. The turning point came when Hamano Seisakusho, a skilled craftsman, put into practice "understanding what the venture wanted to do and proposing something better. Now, they have formed the Super Factory Group, a group of machineries aiming to solve manufacturing problems around the world, and six garages have now been set up, mainly in Tokyo and Osaka. The company has promoted support for numerous ventures, and has established a system from prototyping to mass production in units of 100 -1000 pieces. As a result, it has become possible for the ventures to make prototypes of the products they want to make with a sense of speed, and it has even helped them take the first step toward obtaining funding.

counter for the ichi-ni-san counting system (usu. directly preceding the item being counted)ne (unit of volume, approx. 1.8 ml)
The worlds of technology and finance have had little in common and have struggled to communicate their appeal. Through the Tech Planter ecosystem, ventures are now able to communicate their appeal to investors and financial institutions, and more people understand this. In addition, with Liberace Capital and Glocalink taking on the role of small investors, which were previously absent, ventures are now in a better position to raise funds according to their stage of growth. As a result, it is estimated that ventures from TechPlanter have raised more than 10 billion yen in the past year, and RIVANES has invested about 8 billion yen in more than 100 companies as a group so far.

mirai (Algerian goddess of agriculture, esp. of agriculture)
RIVERNESS, whose ancestor business is a delivery laboratory class, believes that it is important for ventures to be involved in educational activities from an early stage and to nurture the next generation. In the process of social implementation of research results, it is also important to gain the understanding of citizens. Through educational activities, it is possible to find sympathetic future colleagues among the next generation. For the rigid educational field, the number of providers of "learning that is not in the textbooks" is increasing, and a ripple effect of becoming more familiar with the field is being generated. Through the creation of learning linked to the real world and entrepreneurship education, which is now required in the field of education, the next generation will grow up together with venture businesses.

Source: Kaiura, Kohei (2021). Supporting business establishment 22, 20-21.