• Agritech Grand Prix
  • Grand Prix

AgriTech Grand Prix 2021 Preliminary Report: Grand Prize goes to Pollen Factory

アグリテックグランプリ2021速報:最優秀賞はPollen Factoryが受賞

The Agri-Tech Grand Prix 2021 was held on Saturday, September 18, 2021 at the Center of Garage to select the winning teams for the Grand Prize and the Company Prize.

Starting with the 2020 season, the Tech Planter will evolve its concept to "Deep Issue & Deep Tech Explorer," which will use "Deep Tech," a collection of science and technology, to solve unsolved "Deep Issue" problems. Tech Explorer," which is a collection of science and technology to solve "Deep Issues" through "Deep Tech.

On the day of the event, the 12 Agri-Tech Grand Prix finalist teams, selected from among 316 teams that applied for the Tech Planter 2021 competition, gave passionate presentations on their ideas for solving issues in the agri-field through the use of technology.

And the winner of the prestigious Grand Prize was "Pollen Factory".

Their theme is "Aiming to establish a new industry called "pollen businessIt is a very important factor in the production of fruit trees. Artificial pollination is necessary for many types of fruit tree production, but collecting pollen for pollination is labor-intensive and relies heavily on imports. By developing a new tree shape and large-size pollen-collection machine, we aim to establish a new industry called the domestic pollen business. The award was given in the hope that the company will make full use of the assets of its partner companies to develop a domestic pollen business that has never been seen before, create deep tech, an aggregate of technologies, and confront the challenges it faces.

Grand Prize winner Pollen Factory and the entire jury

List of Company Awards and Grand Prizes

Team NameTheme namewinning (a prize)
TOWING Co.Development of "Space Farm," a circular veggie production centerSIGMAXIS Award
JTF Farms, Inc.Small weeding drone frees farmers from the hard work of weeding.Mitsui Chemicals Award
NEXTAGE CorporationWasabi cultivation in a plant factory using remote cultivation management technologyYamaha Motor Award
Kiryu Electronic Development LLCDevelopment of non-destructive plant biosensor
KAWAMURA &Co.,LTD.Development of antibiotic-free feed using plant-derived tanninsFocus Systems Award
FeelSensingMonitoring of plant and other activities by ultrasonic AE sensingKubota Prize
Sompo Japan Prize
MucolaDevelopment of non-destructive instrument for analyzing tea leaf constituents
Pollen FactoryAiming to establish a new industry called "pollen businessGrand Prize
Euglena Award
ReSep.Recovery of Useful Components from Unused Resources by Environmentally Harmonious Solvents
Total Soil Boundary Solution
The Challenge of Seeding Soil Diagnostic Technology
Polymer LaboratoryPolymer coating of seeds to reduce the burden of agricultural workSuntory Prize
cyanologyDevelopment of Cyanobacteria de-fossil fuel technologyReal Tech Fund Award

*From this year, the Real Tech Fund Award has been established as an award from Professional Supporters.

Outline of Implementation
Name of the Grand Prix: Agritech Grand Prix 2021
Location: Center of Garage (1-16-3 Yokogawa, Sumida-ku, Tokyo 130-0003, Japan)
Date: Saturday, September 18, 2021, 13:00-19:00
Participation: Closed, pre-registration required (entry teams, partner companies, Super Factory Group Professional Supporters)
Website: https://techplanter.com/atg2021/

Related pages: Agritech Grand Prix
