Deep Tech Grand Prix / DEEP TECH
The Deep Tech Grand Prix is an area where fundamental technologies for "creating the next world of the commonplace" are gathered. For example, innovations in material science, robotics, and AI technologies will continue to change the face of society by replacing physical and brain labor. In addition, technologies related to "manufacturing" have created a world in which many people can enjoy material wealth by making good products cheaply and quickly. Developments in this field will revolutionize the entire supply chain and contribute greatly to reducing environmental impact. In addition, measurement and metrology technologies also have the impact of raising the foundations of various industries.
In this area, we aim to implement in society the technologies and ideas of entrepreneurs and researchers in various fundamental technologies, including sensors, AI, robotics, materials, and distribution, which face the challenge of solving social issues.
Grand Prix List

- Deep Tech Grand Prix

- Ecotech Grand Prix
- Deep Tech Grand Prix
- News

- Deep Tech Grand Prix
- News

- Agritech Grand Prix
- Ecotech Grand Prix
- Grand Prix
- Deep Tech Grand Prix
- News
- Biotech Grand Prix
- Food Tech Grand Prix
- Marintec Grand Prix
- Lifetech Grand Prix