About the 7 Areas

    Deep Tech Grand Prix

    The Deep Tech Grand Prix is an area where fundamental technologies for "creating the next world of the commonplace" are gathered. For example, innovations in material science, robotics, and AI technologies will continue to change the face of society by replacing physical and brain labor. In addition, technologies related to "manufacturing" have created a world in which many people can enjoy material wealth by making good products cheaply and quickly. Developments in this field will revolutionize the entire supply chain and contribute greatly to reducing environmental impact. In addition, measurement and metrology technologies also have the impact of raising the foundations of various industries.
    In this area, we aim to implement in society the technologies and ideas of entrepreneurs and researchers in various fundamental technologies, including sensors, AI, robotics, materials, and distribution, which face the challenge of solving social issues.

    Ecotech Grand Prix

    The Eco-Tech Grand Prix is an area where technologies gather with the aim of "realizing a sustainable society in harmony with the global environment. With the accelerating trend to shift from a one-way economy structure of mass production, mass consumption, and mass disposal to a circular economy structure that circulates resources, there is a need to create concrete steps toward the realization of a sustainable society. In order to demonstrate the effectiveness of all technologies, including energy creation, energy storage, energy conservation, utilization of unused resources and waste, and CCUS, and to create a movement to implement them as businesses, it is necessary to combine multiple companies and technologies, not just one company or one technology.
    In this area, we aim not only to develop new technologies but also to create as many concrete social experiments as possible in order to achieve a sustainable society for generations to come.

    Marintec Grand Prix

    The Marintec Grand Prix is an area where technologies for "passing on the richness of the oceans to the next generation" are gathered. We not only obtain many marine resources from the ocean, which covers 70% of the earth, but also benefit from its function as a vast carbon sink and temperature regulating region. The ocean used to be a place of business for mostly limited industries such as fisheries, logistics, and shipbuilding, but in recent years, new perspectives on its utilization have emerged, including power generation, mining of mineral resources, seaweed farming for CO2 absorption, and as a place for biodiversity conservation.
    In this area, we will encourage collaboration between venture companies that are beginning to move toward solutions to ocean issues and business companies from a variety of industries to create sustainable initiatives that incorporate biodiversity conservation and measures to address climate change into industry.

    Agritech Grand Prix

    The Agri-Tech Grand Prix is an area where technologies to "accelerate the evolution of technologies that support the world's food supply" are gathered. Food production is an essential activity for maintaining social infrastructure. In addition to increasing food production to meet the needs of the world's growing population, issues are becoming increasingly complex, such as the diversification of food due to the expansion of the middle class and the shift to sustainable industries. In this area, IoT/AI, robotics, and genomics are being introduced to automate agricultural operations, precision agriculture that predicts climate change risks, and high-speed breeding are being promoted in many regions, and implementation as a sustainable business is required.
    In this area, we will promote discussions on food production, which has different challenges in different countries, regions, and sites, capturing the perspectives of technologies and issues in diverse areas to make society sustainable.

    Food Tech Grand Prix

    The Foodtech Grand Prix is an area where technologies for "creating a sustainable food industry" are gathered. To achieve this, in addition to the existing food supply chain, it is necessary for players in fields unrelated to food, such as robotics and AI, to participate. This area also requires the creation of new approaches through the implementation of diverse research being conducted in academia. Food issues are also linked to global and national issues, such as the environmental burden of meat and the high number of diabetics in Southeast Asian countries. As the combination of these issues and the technologies that could lead to their solution expands, concrete steps forward are now needed.
    In this area, we aim to bring together diverse food-related issues and technologies to create implementable projects.

    Biotech Grand Prix

    The Biotech Grand Prix is an area where technologies to "transform the unlimited potential of living creatures into value" are gathered. As human activities cover the globe, we need to increase the power of living organisms and utilize them more effectively in order to sustain our society. Proteins, sugars, lipids, and countless other molecules produced by living organisms have the potential to be utilized as functional materials, medicines, catalysts, energy resources, and more. In order to extract such potential and link them to industry, it is necessary to overcome the barriers of stable performance, mass production, and low cost, and to make them into products and services that provide value to society.
    In this area, we aim to create the foundation for the next society through the establishment of technologies and businesses to maximize the properties of living organisms.

    Lifetech Grand Prix

    The Lifetech Grand Prix is an area where technologies that aim to "enrich life, life and living through living and technology" are gathered. Each one of us eats the bounty grown on Mother Earth and lives in the cycle of nature that nurtures us. And with the development of science and technology, we humans have learned how to solve new social issues that arise. In order for us as human beings to continue to solve problems and contribute to the earth, it is also important for us to continue to pursue our own "abundance" as we continue to create such activities.
    In this area, we aim to pursue and realize abundant life, life and living through a collection of science and technology in a wide range of "human" related areas such as healthcare, communication, living environment, nursing care, sensing, behavior change, sensitivity, and education.