
Frequently Asked Questions

  1. 01What types of technologies are best suited for the TECH PLANTER?
  2. 02How will the winner be chosen in grand prix?
  3. 03What resources will Leave a Nest provide to TECH PLANTER?
  4. 04Where is the TECH PLANTER?
  5. 05Is their funding opportunities?
  6. 06How detailed does my idea need to be in the application?
  7. 07Will the information in my application be treated as confidential?
  8. 08Does Leave a Nest own the intellectual property (IP) developed by my company during the pitch competition?

What types of technologies are best suited for the TECH PLANTER?

TECH PLANTER is looking for technology-powered startups from around the world with innovative ideas for products and services in fields of robotics, IoT , hardware, biotech, healthcare, food and agriculture. We are looking for research-based technologies which do not end up with just code or apps. Not just patent or research paper either.


How will the winner be chosen in grand prix?

TECH PLANTER is looking for a technology-based thoughtful novel idea with a great passionate team, available technologies and ability to execute.

In the competitions, teams will submit their applications and do a short pitch and Q&A with judges.

#1 Novelty,.

#2 Practicability (this reflects ability to execute, availability of technologies and team members),.

#3 Whether it could bring about change to the world(Wild idea from technology or hard will to solve the problem),.

#4 Passion (of the team or a single entrepreneur him/herself).

Typical 6-8 slides will contain the following componets;.
  1. Title (1)
  2. Problem (1) #Who will be the customer? What is customer's problem?
  3. Solution (1-2) #How do you gonna solve it? What feature or technology you will use.
  4. Achievement (1-2) #data, customer interview, prototype design etc.
  5. Team (1) #name, role, background, passion, degree etc.
  6. Future (1) #What kind of vision do you have?

What resources will Leave a Nest provide to TECH PLANTER?

Leave a Nest will provide access to industry executives, key decision makers, and mentors to help startups realize their technology into business and build great companies of their own.


Where is the TECH PLANTER?

Mainly, our program is handled in Tokyo. We do qualify round in several cities such as Singapore, Taipei, Kuala Lumpur and etc.


Is their funding opportunities?

The winner of the pitch competition in Japan Final round will receive upto 5M JPY investment funding and 300,000 JPY for prize.


How detailed does my idea need to be in the application?

In this initial application process, we ask applicants to describe how the technology will change the world, the team, the idea, and how you plan to execute it. the team, the idea, and how you plan to execute it.


Will the information in my application be treated as confidential?

Please do not submit any business plans, trade secrets, or "secret sauce. All information disclosed to us in your application will be considered non-confidential public information. All information disclosed to us in your application will be considered non-confidential public information. So, please check the contract (NDA and etc.) with your institution/lab/company, whether you can submit your idea or not. responsibility to check your status.


Does Leave a Nest own the intellectual property (IP) developed by my company during the pitch competition?

IP developed by a participating company is retained by that company.