Marintec Grand Prix 2023

Standing up for solutions to society's problems
Manufacturing, mobility, IoT, artificial intelligence, materials, energy, food, etc. related to the ocean
We implement the technologies and thoughts of entrepreneurs and researchers in the marine tech area into society together.
  • Asahi Yukizai Co.
  • Isuzu Motors Limited
  • USHIO Inc.
  • Oki Electric Industry Co.
  • Sanyo Chemical Industries Co.
  • Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd.
  • Tsuneishi Holdings Corporation
  • Nissui Corporation
  • Focus Systems Co.
  1. ASSET01Riverness Communicator
  2. ASSET02Partners
  3. ASSET03Professional Supporter
  4. ASSET04superfactory group
  1. SUPPORT01Organize the purpose and vision of starting a business
  2. SUPPORT02Brush up on your presentation
  3. SUPPORT03Providing opportunities for business company collaboration
  4. SUPPORT04Support for R&D and prototype development
  5. SUPPORT05Support for knowledge and IP strategies
  6. SUPPORT06finance
Grand Prix Name
Marintec Grand Prix 2023
Center of Garage (1-16-3 Yokogawa, Sumida-ku, Tokyo)
Date & Time
Saturday, September 30, 2023, 13:00-19:00
Application period
Wednesday, March 1, 2023 - Friday, July 7, 2023
Participation Target
Held on a closed, pre-registration basis (finalists, partner companies, professional supporters, Super Factory Group)
Leave a Nest Co., Ltd.
Greetings from the Organizer
Presentation (Presenter①~⑫)
Review Time
Announcement of Judging Results and Award Ceremony
  • 武田 隆太
    Director, Center for National Policy Research, Riverness, Inc.
    Ryuta Takeda
    D. from Ohio State University, USA. He participated in the launch of RIVERNESS USA in 2011 and joined RIVERNESS Corporation in 2012. He launched TECH PLANTER in 2013 and has led the company's overseas expansion to up to 10 countries to date. Since then, he has been involved in a number of new business creation projects through collaboration between large companies and startups, as well as industry-academia projects, regardless of the field, both domestically and internationally. His motto is "Fall seven times, rise eight.
  • 興梠 英裕
    Executive Officer, Deputy General Manager of Resin Division and General Manager of Resin Technical Development Department, Resin Division, Asahi Yukizai Co.
    Hidehiro Kohrogi
    After joining Asahi Yukizai Corporation in 1995, he was engaged in the development of plastic materials such as phenolic resin molding materials for automotive applications and polypropylene pipes for use in chemical solutions. He also experienced joint research with universities for the purpose of exploring new businesses. While being involved in the product development work of the division as the head of the Resin Technology Development Department, he concurrently served as the head of the Advanced Materials Promotion Group, Advanced Materials Business Division from 2020, before assuming his current position in 2023. He aims to create new niche-top businesses by utilizing the Company's resources.
  • 小林 寛
    Senior Expert, Environmental & CSR Planning Group, Sustainability Promotion Department, Isuzu Motors Limited
    Hiroshi Kobayashi
    In June 2007, he joined Isuzu Motors, where he worked in the R&D department designing equipment for heavy-duty trucks. 2013, he launched the DeuSEL project with six team members while performing his regular duties. 2018, he was transferred to the Sustainability Promotion Department, where he is currently involved in the Ministry of the Environment's project on biogas business, and is engaged in new planning for the recycling business. Participation in the Ministry of the Environment's biogas project, and planning of new recycling-oriented projects.
  • 馬場 幸久
    General Manager, Business Strategy Office (in charge of venture company VC), USHIO Inc.
    Baba Yukihisa
    After graduating from university, he worked in sales and technical sales at a major manufacturer. He was involved in the launch of new businesses in Japan, and was posted overseas to China, where he built trust with the supply chain for overseas customers while also launching new businesses there. He joined USHIO in February 2021 and has been working daily on planning and execution for new business creation.
  • 鈴木 まり
    Strategic Planning Team, Innovation Business Development Center, Oki Electric Industry Co.
    Mari Suzuki
    After joining the company, he was involved in research and development work in AI and image recognition in the R&D department, and later worked as a project leader of the decarbonization task force while conducting technology strategy and market trend research in the planning department. Currently, he is on a mission to create new businesses related to decarbonization.
  • 北野 公太郎
    General Manager, Business Planning Department, Sanyo Chemical Co.
    Kotaro Kitano
    After joining Sanyo Chemical in 2002, he was mainly involved in the development of polymerization toner intermediates in the Research Division, and in 2006 he was transferred to the Sales Division, where he was involved in sales of polyols (raw materials for polyurethane) and TPU (thermoplastic polyurethane resin) powder. In 2016, he was transferred to our U.S. subsidiary (now Sanyo Chemical America Incorporated), where he was involved not only in maintaining and expanding existing business, but also in developing new business and building partnerships with other companies, etc. From August 2023, he assumed his current position, working on new business development, etc. He will be involved in new business development, etc.
  • 松岡 哲史
    Team Leader, New Business Creation Team, Well-Being Life Business Management Department, Well-Being Life Sales Division, Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd.
    Tetsushi Matsuoka
    He joined the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in 2001 and joined MOL in 2005. In 2018, he started working on launching new businesses in the Corporate Marketing Department, and was transferred to the Well-Being Life Business Management Department in fiscal year 2023. Currently, he is involved in the management of the internal new business proposal system, while focusing on the commercialization of ocean thermal energy conversion and other projects in his own department.
  • 津幡 靖久
    Director, Tsuneishi Holdings Corporation
    Yasuhisa Tsubata
    Born in Tokyo in 1969, he graduated from the School of Commerce at Waseda University. After working in the consulting industry (Andersen Consulting, A.T. Kearney) for about 7 years and in information and communication related venture companies (Forval Telecom, Cybozu, Feed Path) for about 12 years, he joined Yahoo Japan in 2011 when Feed Path, which he represented, was acquired by Yahoo Japan. In October 2015, he joined Tsuneishi Holdings; in April 2016, he established Tsuneishi Capital Partners, a venture investment subsidiary, and became President and Representative Director (to present); in January 2021, he became President and Representative Director of Tsuneishi C Values, an energy and mobility business subsidiary (to present); and in January 2023, he became President and Representative Director of Tsuneishi Holdings, Inc. Appointed Director of Tsuneishi Holdings in charge of human resources strategy from January 2023
  • 畑中 晃昌
    General Manager, Aquaculture Research Laboratory, Central Research Institute, Nissui Corporation
    Akimasa Hatanaka
    Graduated from the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences at the University of Tokyo in 1999. Joined Nippon Suisan Kaisha, Ltd. in the same year. After joining the company, he worked at the Central Research Laboratory, where he was engaged in the development of processing technologies for marine products, development of functional raw materials derived from marine products, development of aquaculture feed, etc. He has been in his current position since 2015. He has been working on solving issues through open innovation in the marine products business, including aquaculture.
  • 中村 和人
    Business Creation Department, Business Promotion Division, IT Innovation Business Headquarters, Focus Systems, Inc.
    Kazuto Nakamura
    In 1999, he joined Focus Systems, Inc. as an infrastructure systems engineer, mainly involved in infrastructure construction for banks and other financial institutions. In 2018, he began working on the company's new business creation, and is involved in joint research with universities, venture support, and demonstration experiments using the company's products. Recently, as a researcher at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), he has been promoting a project to develop countermeasures against viruses and other infectious diseases by the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development and a demonstration experiment adopted by the Shiga Prefecture Project to promote the social implementation of near-future technologies.
  • Grand Prize / Asahi Yukizai Award
    中山 繁生
    Yellow Duck Corporation
    Representative] Shigeo Nakayama

    Hydrogen Generation and Wave Power DAC for a Decarbonized Society

    Carbon-free electricity is generated using wave energy, and hydrogen is produced by electrolysis of filtered seawater and atmospheric CO2By conducting direct collection at the same time, we aim to realize a carbon-neutral society that must be addressed.
    石崎 勇歩
    Sakana Dream Co.
    Representative] Yuuho Ishizaki

    Hybrid Fish" Development Project to Create Dream Fish

    Using the Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology's proprietary "surrogate parent fish technique," we will develop and produce the world's only hybrid fish and revolutionize breeding, which has not progressed sufficiently in the fisheries industry.
    小山内 崇
    Cyanology Inc.
    Representative] Takashi Osanai

    Biopla production by marine culture of freshwater cyanobacteria

    We have discovered that aqueous cyanobacteria can be cultured in seawater. Cyanobacteria are capable of photosynthesizing CO2can be converted into bioplastic raw materials, the company aims to build a new industrial field of seawater x bioplastic production.
    ShrimpTech JIRCAS Corporation
    Representative] Marcy Wilder

    Providing an environmentally harmonized complete shrimp closed system land-based aquaculture system.

    We would like to accelerate the diffusion of the technology and contribute to the realization of complete shrimp aquaculture in Japan and abroad as a venture company originating from the National Institute for Animal Welfare through the development of animal welfare-type juvenile shrimp production technology and closed system land-based aquaculture system.
    板羽 昌之
    e-Robotics Corporation
    Representative] Masayuki Itabane

    Vertical Weather Observation System Using Ship Moored UAV

    Japan's coastal waters are subject to extreme changes in weather and sea conditions, and are often difficult to navigate due to topographical conditions, making them one of the most frequently encountered maritime zones. This theme aims to improve the safety of sea and air traffic by focusing on the generation and dissipation mechanisms of sea fog, which can hinder the navigation of ships and aircraft.
  • MOL Award / Real Tech Fund Award
    大谷 将士
    muon acceleration
    Representative] Masashi Otani

    Innovative Imaging with a Compact Muon Accelerator

    Artificially generated and accelerated muons, which have high penetrating power, will be used to realize an inspection device that can see through containers and estimate materials at ports of bay. Compared to devices using cosmic rays, which have already begun to be introduced at ports in the Gulf, the muon inspection system has advantages in various aspects, including resolution.
    大保 勇人
    Representative] Hayato Oho

    Cleaning up the world's water with gas-liquid interfacial plasma technology

    Gas-liquid interface plasma is capable of decomposing persistent organic matter in water at room temperature and pressure. Since water purification is possible using only electrical energy, water treatment technology suitable for remote areas and developing countries will be developed to contribute to solving various water environmental problems around the world.
  • Sanyo Chemical Award
    倉橋 康平
    Representative] Kohei Kurahashi

    Aquaculture Simulation

    It assists in making land-based aquaculture profitable by predicting the amount of feeding and growth it will take to ship the fish.
    菅 浩伸
    shallow-sea bottom frontier
    Representative] Hironobu Suga

    Visualizing submarine topography for regional revitalization

    Coastal shallow-water areas are closely related to human life, and a balance between development and environmental conservation is important, but topographic maps of marine areas are not well developed. This project will use multibeam bathymetry to create precise topographic maps of marine areas and provide measures to promote marine spatial planning and consensus building.
  • Focus Systems Award
    Representative] NUR ADLIN ABU BAKAR

    Land-based aquaculture systems that do not require water exchange

    NH4+-N released from fish waste is toxic to aquatic organisms, and in order to reduce its concentration, land-based aquaculture operators are faced with the challenge of using large amounts of water and spending time and effort. We propose a low-maintenance nitrogen removal system that solves this problem.
    高橋 英俊
    Marine Sensor Tech.
    Representative] Hidetoshi Takahashi

    Current velocity sensor for ocean monitoring

    The company has been researching and developing current velocity sensors that can be attached to marine organisms such as sea turtles and penguins to measure their speed against water during swimming, and as a development of these sensors, the company aims for social implementation in marine IoT such as monitoring of fish ponds.
    松村 優作
    Atuy Data Sea
    Representative] Yusaku Matsumura

    Development of technology to visualize the inside of the ocean

    Develop a model based on fish finder observation data to estimate zooplankton distribution with higher precision, which will be used for resource management of useful fishery species that feed on it. Create infrastructure to acquire information on the marine environment and fish catches for sustainable fisheries.
MARINE TECH9/30holding a meeting
Applications are closed
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