Marintec Grand Prix 2024

Standing up for solutions to society's problems
Manufacturing, mobility, IoT, artificial intelligence, materials, energy, food, etc. related to the ocean
We implement the technologies and thoughts of entrepreneurs and researchers in the marine tech area into society together.
point (e.g. of a statement)
Scientific and technological "seeds" are being created in universities, research institutes, and corporate laboratories, but it takes a lot of effort before they sprout into practical applications. The Tech Planter, organized by LIVERNESS and its partners, is an ecosystem that aims to discover these seeds and serve as a planter to help them sprout into business. The Marine Tech Grand Prix is a program aimed at discovering and fostering technological seeds and entrepreneurs in the real tech field (marine-related manufacturing, mobility, IoT, artificial intelligence, materials, energy, food, etc.).

Related Grand Prix :. Marintec Grand Prix List
subject (of taxation, etc.)
  • Those who have a vision to change the world or improve the world based on the technological seeds in the real tech field and have a will to establish or develop a new business.
  • Individuals and teams are both welcome to participate, even before incorporation.
  • No limitation on the number of years of establishment, even if you are already a corporation. Even if you are close to mass production or PMF establishment, if you are planning to collaborate with partner companies, etc., it is acceptable.
Application Theme
All the technologies necessary to pass on the richness of the sea to the next generation
Application period
Wednesday, March 1, 2023 - Friday, July 5, 2024
Screening Criteria
A panel of judges composed of LIVERNESS and its partners will review the following items
  1. 01novelty (patentability)
  2. 02feasibility
  3. 03Overseas Expansion Capabilities
  4. 04Are you going to change the world?
  5. 05passion
Grand Prize: (300,000 yen cash prize + right to receive 5 million yen business investment) 1
Corporate Prize: (200,000 yen) Approximately 10 prizes will be awarded.
  • Asahi Yukizai Co.
  • INOCA Corporation
  • Sanyo Chemical Industries Co.
  • Daiken Corporation
  • Tsuneishi Holdings Corporation
  • テラル株式会社
  • Nippon Coke & Engineering Co.
  • Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation
  • Focus Systems Co.
  1. ASSET01Riverness Communicator
  2. ASSET02Partners
  3. ASSET03Professional Supporter
  4. ASSET04superfactory group
  1. SUPPORT01Organize the purpose and vision of starting a business
  2. SUPPORT02Brush up on your presentation
  3. SUPPORT03Providing opportunities for business company collaboration
  4. SUPPORT04Support for R&D and prototype development
  5. SUPPORT05Support for knowledge and IP strategies
  6. SUPPORT06finance
Grand Prix Name
Marintec Grand Prix 2024
center of a garage (1-16-3 Yokogawa, Sumida-ku, Tokyo)
Date & Time
Saturday, September 21, 2024, 13:00-19:00
Application period
Wednesday, March 1, 2023 - Friday, July 5, 2024
Participation Target
Held on a closed, pre-registration basis (finalists, partner companies, professional supporters, Super Factory Group)
LIVERNESS Corporation
Greetings from the Organizer
Presentation (Presenter①~⑫)
Review Time
Announcement of Judging Results and Award Ceremony
  • 武田 隆太
    Executive Officer, LIVERNESS Co.
    Ryuta Takeda
    D. from Ohio State University, USA. He participated in the launch of RIVERNESS USA in 2011 and joined RIVERNESS Corporation in 2012. He launched TECH PLANTER in 2013 and has led the company's overseas expansion to up to 10 countries to date. Since then, he has been involved in a number of new business creation projects through collaboration between large companies and startups, as well as industry-academia projects, regardless of the field, both domestically and internationally. His motto is "Fall seven times, rise eight.
  • 武本 翔太
    旭有機材株式会社 新規事業開発プロジェクト
    武本 翔太
  • 上田 正人
    株式会社イノカ Chief Technology Officer
    上田 正人
    1974年大阪府生まれ。関西大学工学部を卒業後、大阪大学大学院工学研究科で結晶粒界における相変態に関する研究を行い、博士(工学)を取得。大阪大学助手、関西大学准教授、英国ケンブリッジ大学 客員研究員を経て、2017年4月より関西大学 化学生命工学部 教授に就任。硬組織(骨・歯)に関連するバイオマテリアルの研究を行う。2022年6月よりCTOとしてイノカにジョイン。週末はアメリカンフットボール選手。
  • 北野 公太郎
    General Manager, Business Planning Department, Sanyo Chemical Co.
    Kotaro Kitano
    After joining Sanyo Chemical in 2002, he was mainly involved in the development of polymerization toner intermediates in the Research Division, and moved to the Sales Division in 2006, where he was involved in sales of polyols (raw materials for polyurethane) and thermoplastic polyurethane resin powder. In 2016, he was transferred to our subsidiary in the U.S., where he was involved not only in maintaining and expanding existing business, but also in developing new business and building partnerships with other companies, etc. He has been in his current position since August 2023. He will be involved in new business development, etc.
  • 高澤 良輔
    大建工業株式会社 R&Dセンター 次長
    Ryosuke Takazawa
  • 鯉江 洋輔
    常石商事株式会社 事業開発本部 事業投資部 部長
    鯉江 洋輔
    商社にて食品原料の輸入販売 約7年、青果流通のスタートアップ企業 約6年、健康食品メーカ―にて農産品事業の立ち上げ。2016年ツネイシLR入社。新規事業の企画立案・市場分析等を担当し2020年よりツネイシキャピタルパートナーズ/ツネイシホールディングスへ移籍。CVCとしてスタートアップ投資、M&A、スタートアップとの合弁事業を実践。2024年 ツネイシグループ3社合併に伴い常石商事㈱へ移籍。
  • 菅田 貴之
    テラル株式会社 代表取締役副社長
    菅田 貴之
  • 奥苑 隆幸
    日本コークス株式会社 人事・総務部長 兼 カーボンニュートラル推進室長
    奥苑 隆幸
  • 久田 正樹
    日本電信電話株式会社 NTT宇宙環境エネルギー研究所 レジリエント環境適応研究プロジェクト 地球環境未来予測技術グループ グループリーダー/主幹研究員
    久田 正樹
  • 松坂 裕治
    株式会社フォーカスシステムズ ITイノベーション第二事業本部事業本部長 兼 事業創造室長
    Yuji Matsuzaka
  • 中山 悠
    UMINeCo, Inc.
    Representative] Yu Nakayama

    Underwater positioning by underwater optical camera communication

    The aging and shortage of divers and aging infrastructure are increasing the demand for highly accurate and inexpensive underwater mobility control. We use underwater visible light communication to realize "self-position estimation in the sea" with excellent accuracy over short distances and at an overwhelmingly low cost.
  • 難波 卓司
    Ulva Corporation
    Representative] Takuji Namba

    Seaweed production through land-based aquaculture connects tradition and opens the way to the future

    Due to the effects of climate change, the production of many seaweed species in Japan is rapidly declining. Therefore, we aim to preserve the food culture of eating seaweed and to utilize seaweed as biomass in various fields by conducting sustainable seaweed production through land-based aquaculture.
  • 鈴木 幹久
    Ripper Corporation
    Representative] Mikihisa Suzuki

    Reducing Marine Microplastics with Nanotechnology Tires

    LIPPER's goal is to develop environmentally friendly tire materials. LIPPER will replace petroleum-derived carbon black with a practical, naturally-derived tire strengthening agent. This will reduce CO2 emissions in the manufacturing and disposal processes and reduce oceanic microplastic emissions of tire dust.
  • 眞下 美紀子
    Hokusanriku Factory Co.
    Representative] Mikiko Mashimo
    UNIversal Actionで世界の海を豊かにする

    Enriching the World's Oceans with UNIversal Action

    Old "skinny sea urchins," which are the cause of rocky shore scorch, are collected and re-cultivated in a sea urchin tank and sea urchin feed developed by the company. At the same time, sea urchin shells are used to make compost blocks and allow seaweed to flourish, thereby restoring the seaweed beds and revitalizing the burned-out areas.
  • 平野 雄晟
    Seaside Consulting Inc.
    Representative] Yuusheng Hirano

    New aquaculture tank with low energy costs and controlled water temperature

    Until now, farmed fish have been defined by climate. If there is a technology to operate water temperature at low energy cost, an era will arrive when aquaculture will spread rapidly throughout the world. We have developed and applied for a patent for a highly efficient aquaculture tank by radiating energy and extending the conduction area.
  • 小林 秀樹
    Hyperspec Drone Measurement
    Representative] Hideki Kobayashi

    Development of hyperspectral drone systems

    While the use of photography, multispectral cameras, LIDAR, and other technologies have been used previously for environmental analysis by drones, we will establish a new environmental analysis technique for quantitative environmental measurements from low altitudes using large drones and hyperspectral imagers.
  • 眞塩 麻彩実
    Ocean PGEs
    Representative] Masami Masio

    Extracting Precious Metals from Submarine Hydrothermal Water

    Refining as solid metal by utilizing resins that can recover only precious metal elements from submarine hydrothermal water, which is believed to contain a large amount of precious metal elements such as gold and platinum.
  • 木原 稔
    Mucus Hapiness
    Representative] Minoru Kihara

    Control of fecal properties of inshore cultured fish by stimulation of intestinal mucus secretion

    When fish are fed non-digestible oligosaccharides, intestinal mucus increases, and the mucus coating on the fecal mass becomes thicker and less likely to collapse. As a result, water quality deterioration may be suppressed, and feeding oligosaccharides is expected to contribute to the maintenance and improvement of the rearing environment, especially in land-based aquaculture.
  • 江幡 恵吾
    Representative] Keigo Ebata

    Bringing the Abundance of the Sea to Your Table: Development of a Digitalized System for Marine Products Transactions

    In order to enrich Japan's fish-eating culture and revitalize local economies, we will sell domestic fish at reasonable prices, save labor at fish markets, and improve distribution efficiency through an information network that mutually links production areas and consumption areas, something conventional marine product distribution cannot do.
  • 神野 雅文
    Representative] Masafumi Jinno

    Practical application of plasma-based growth promotion technology for cultured fish

    Improved feeding efficiency and shorter rearing periods are industrially essential for the practical application of land-based aquaculture. We will revolutionize the aquaculture industry by utilizing the world's one and only technology that accelerates the growth of fish and shellfish by aeration with plasma treated air for just a few minutes each day.
  • 中畑 敏哉
    Representative] Toshiya Nakahata

    Algae bed restoration technology using photosynthetic bacteria and temperature-responsive gel

    Eelgrass seeds are sown in a temperature-responsive gel that holds photosynthetic bacteria extract. By sowing the entire gel in the sea, the seeds are less likely to drift away, and the plant growth-promoting effect of the photosynthetic bacteria extract ensures stable regeneration of the seaweed bed.
  • 豊田 将也
    Wind and Flood Risk Forecaster
    Representative] Masaya Toyoda
    気象データを活用した 事業障害リスクの可視化

    Visualization of Business Failure Risks Using Weather Data

    The project aims to predict and assess the impact of natural disasters such as heavy rain, strong winds, storm surges, and floods on businesses. The relationship between previous statistical information on the project and weather data and sea conditions will be analyzed to visualize "vulnerable weather conditions" and "risks of coastal and weather disasters.
MARINE TECH9/21holding a meeting
Applications are closed
I did