Medtec Grand Prix KOBE2022

Standing up for solutions to society's problems
Drug discovery, medical devices, regenerative medicine, healthcare, research tools, etc.
We implement the technologies and thoughts of entrepreneurs and researchers in the MedTech area into society together.
  • Eisai Co.
  • Chiome Bioscience Inc.
  • Kirin Holdings Company, Limited
  • Sysmex Corporation
  • CPCC Corporation
  • Dai-ichi Life Holdings Co.
  • Taisho Pharmaceutical Co.
  • Mitsui Chemicals, Inc.
  • Rohto Pharmaceutical Co.
  1. ASSET01Riverness Communicator
  2. ASSET02Partners
  3. ASSET03Professional Supporter
  4. ASSET04superfactory group
  1. SUPPORT01Organize the purpose and vision of starting a business
  2. SUPPORT02Brush up on your presentation
  3. SUPPORT03Providing opportunities for business company collaboration
  4. SUPPORT04Support for R&D and prototype development
  5. SUPPORT05Support for knowledge and IP strategies
  6. SUPPORT06finance
Grand Prix Name
Medtec Grand Prix KOBE2022
Kobe University Center for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research, Convention Hall (7-1-48 Minatojima Minamimachi, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo 650-0047, Japan)
Date & Time
Saturday, October 8, 2022, 13:00-19:10
Application period
Tuesday, March 1, 2022 - Friday, July 8, 2022
Participation Target
Held on a closed, pre-registration basis (finalists, partner companies, professional supporters, Super Factory Group)
City of Kobe, Kobe Medical Industry Development Organization, RIVANES Co.
Greetings from the Organizer
Presentation (Presenter①~⑫)
Review Time
Announcement of Judging Results and Award Ceremony
  • 花井 陳雄
    head judge
    Director, Liberace Capital Co.
    Chenio Hanai
    In 2003, he established BioWa, Inc. in the U.S. to out-license the antibody-related technologies he had developed, and was appointed president and responsible for the company's operations. He was appointed Chairman of the Board in 2018 and Chairman of the Board in 2019, He retired in March 2020 and became a director of Liverness Capital in May of the same year.
  • 花谷 忠昭
    General Manager, Cluster Promotion Center, Kobe Medical Industry Development Organization
    Tadaaki Hanaya
    After joining the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, he was transferred to Fukuoka Prefectural Government, the National Institute for Health Care Excellence (NICE) in the U.K., the Cabinet Secretariat's Office for H1N1 Influenza Control, and the Kyoto University iPS Cell Research Institute, before assuming his current position at the Pharmaceutical Safety Division, Pharmaceuticals and Consumer Health Bureau, MHLW.
  • 堂田 丈明
    Representative and CEO, INVENTIO PARTNERS LLC, Kobe Medical Industry Development Project Start-up Supporter
    Takeaki Doda
    He has experience in R&D, IP legal affairs, and founding venture companies in Europe, the U.S., and Japan. After working as a PM at Kyoto University's iPS Cell Research Institute, he participated in the founding of Megakaryon Inc. He then joined Preferred Networks, Inc. as the Chief Intellectual Property Officer and Technical Advisor for the Deep Learning business. In 2020, he was appointed as the first Sr. Technical Business Development Manager in Asia for Amazon Web Services, where he was engaged in cloud AI business.
  • 塚原 克平
    Senior Executive Officer, General Manager, Tsukuba Research Laboratories, Eisai Co.
    Katsuhira Tsukahara
    After completing his master's degree at the Institute of Immunology, Hokkaido University in 1989, he joined Eisai and engaged in cancer research at the Tsukuba Research Institute. 1993 Researcher at the Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo. 1996 Returned to Tsukuba Research Institute to engage in drug target identification research. 2009 In charge of global advanced drug discovery technologies. 2016 hhc. Director of Data Creation Center and Director of Tsukuba Research Institute, Chief Data Officer in 2019.
  • 黒澤 恒平
    Director, Technical Research Institute, Research Division, Chiome Bioscience Inc.
    Kohei Kurosawa
    He joined Chiome Bioscience in 2019. Engaged in research and development of antibody discovery technologies and drug discovery support services. D. in 2013 from the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences at the University of Tokyo, and a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Chicago and New York University in 2014, where he facilitated multiple collaborations across academia and the private sector.
  • 石倉 徹
    General Manager, Health Science Division, Kirin Holdings Company, Limited
    Toru Ishikura
    I joined Kirin Brewery Company in 1989 and am currently in charge of new business creation and CVC management. 16 years in Silicon Valley was a great stimulus for me to learn about the ecosystem surrounding startups. I am consciously interacting with a variety of people outside the company in order to establish open innovation. I am looking forward to creating new value by combining the vision and uniqueness of the startups with our assets.
  • 吉田 智一
    Director, Managing Executive Officer, Sysmex Corporation
    Tomokazu Yoshida
    After graduating from Okayama University Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences in 1995, he was engaged in cardiovascular research and drug discovery research in the fields of central nervous system diseases and oncology at national research institutes and pharmaceutical companies. In 2013, he became a director of MEDICALOID Corporation, where he was involved in the development and market introduction of medical robots, and in 2021 he became a director and managing executive officer (current position). (He also serves as Director and Executive Officer of Medicaloid Inc.
  • 大川 勝
    Representative Director, CPCC Corporation
    Masaru Okawa
    In 2003, he founded CPCC Corporation, which owns a clinic specializing in clinical research. This year marks its 20th term. With the aim of contributing to the creation of a society in which people can live longer and healthier lives, the company promotes research support business with a focus on contracted clinical research. In 2021, the company entered into a capital and business alliance agreement with RD Support Inc. and IMEC RD Inc. to maximize the R&D support business between the three companies.
  • 江口 武彦
    Executive Officer and General Manager, Innovation Promotion Unit, Dai-ichi Life Holdings, Inc.
    Takehiko Eguchi
    Graduated from Nagoya University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Applied Physics. After working in investment development at Yamaichi Securities, he ran an internet startup for 9 years, invested in startups in Japan and overseas at SB investment firms, and was involved in new business development at large companies (Hitachi Zosen, Konica Minolta, SOMPO). MBA from Indian School of Business.
  • 和田 玲子
    Senior Manager, Frontier Research Center, Taisho Pharmaceutical Co.
    Reiko Wada
    Mr. Kato joined Taisho Pharmaceutical in 2004. In his current position since April 2022, he has been working on creating new businesses focusing on preemptive medicine and next-generation diagnostic technologies, He aims to foster healthcare awareness and provide optimal solutions to the world. He holds a master's degree from the Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Saitama University.
  • 松木 智昭
    Chief Staff, Marketing & Innovation Promotion Office, New Business Development Center, Mitsui Chemicals, Inc.
    Tomoaki Matsuki
    Joined Mitsui Chemicals, Inc. in 1997. In April 2022, he joined Mitsui Chemicals, Inc. as a project leader of new business development, promoting the commercialization of cell culture solution business. As a project leader of new business development, he is promoting the commercialization of cell culture solution business.
  • 橋本 将男
    Executive Officer and Strategic Design Division, Rohto Pharmaceutical Co.
    Masao Hashimoto
    Joined the company in 1991. She was in charge of the development of Do-Test, a pregnancy test, as well as basic biotechnological research in the Test Development Division. After working in the research institute for about 10 years, he gained practical experience in pharmaceutical affairs, and was involved in the Kampo business and the launch of a new research institute in the development planning department. After working in research team management, four years in the pharmaceutical affairs department, and five years in the intellectual property department, he joined the Strategic Design Division in 2020 to work on future business design.
  • Kobe Medical Industry Development Award
    大槻 雄士
    FerroptoCure Inc.
    Representative] Yuji Otsuki

    Ferotosis Drug Discovery

    Ferotosis (cell death by oxidative stress) has recently attracted attention as a therapeutic target in various diseases. We will first develop anti-cancer drugs using ferotosis, and then develop therapeutic agents for various diseases.
    松井 雅章
    Tokyo Nucleic Acid Synthesis Co.
    Representative] Masaaki Matsui

    Platform technology to create nucleic acid drugs in a short period of time

    Development of drug discovery platforms that produce safe and properly effective drugs in a short period of time. Designing synthetic DNA activated by disease-specific miRNAs to create novel nucleic acid drugs for various diseases.
  • Sysmex Award
    山口 泰人
    TheraVest Japan K.K.
    Representative] Yasuto Yamaguchi

    Development of Cancer Immunotherapy Using CAR Transgenic NK Cells

    TerraVest Korea has established a technology to induce and mass culture iPS cell-derived natural killer cells. In Japan, the company aims for early clinical application and will conduct R&D to strengthen its NK cell therapy platform through industry-government-academia collaboration.
  • Dai-ichi Life Holdings Award / Taisho FRC Award
    諸岡 健雄
    Hedgehog MedTech Inc.
    Representative] Takeo Morooka

    Development of an application for headache treatment using cognitive-behavioral therapy

    Develop an "application for migraine treatment using cognitive-behavioral therapy" to make cognitive-behavioral therapy easily accessible from the perspective of both providers and patients, as there are few providers of this therapy due to the time and effort involved. In the future, we aim to obtain regulatory approval and insurance coverage as a medical device.
    植松 哲生
    Orchard Bio Co.
    Representative] Tetsuo Uematsu

    hAP cells as a new regenerative medicine product

    We believe that hAP cells will revolutionize regenerative medicine and reinvigorate small molecule compounds.
  • CPCC Award / Roth Award
    柳沼 秀幸
    Sothys Technologies, Inc.
    Representative] Hideyuki Yanaginuma

    Can be done at home! Ultra-sensitive test kits for infectious diseases and dementia

    When you have a question about your health condition that you want answered, it is time-consuming and time-consuming to travel to a testing facility or send a specimen by mail. We have developed an innovative test kit that allows you to perform highly accurate tests on the spot, in person.
  • Real Tech Fund Award
    鎌田 春彦
    Epitope Science, Inc.
    Representative] Haruhiko Kamata

    Creation of functional antibodies suitable for development of antibody drugs

    We have established a technology to analyze drug target proteins on a functional epitope basis and design functional antibodies for disease treatment. The company has succeeded in acquiring antibodies with superior pharmaceutical value, and through this technology, it will proceed with the production of antibodies that will serve as the seeds for pharmaceuticals.
  • Chiome Bioscience Award
    長堀 紀子
    Enyu Pharma Co.
    Representative] Noriko Nagahori

    Navigating the "delivery" of drugs through the use of glycans.

    The technology (analysis, synthesis, reconstitution, and kinetic visualization) to precisely handle "glycans," which are landmarks for cell identification, will open a new pathway to deliver drugs to disease sites/target cells, which was impossible before. In addition, we will enhance the value of existing drugs by making them more sophisticated.
  • Eisai Award
    北 奈央子
    Jokone Corporation.
    Representative] Naoko Kita

    Development of a device for effective pelvic floor muscle training

    Pelvic floor muscles are important muscles for women related to urine leakage, and the effectiveness of training has been established. We are developing a device that detects the movement of these muscles, which are not usually consciously moved, and allows training to be easily performed at home.
  • Mitsui Chemicals Award
    Cancer on a chip
    Representative] Kaori Shigetomi (Kuribayashi)

    A New World of Cancer Drug Discovery Using Three-Dimensional Human Cancer Cell Models

    We propose to develop an innovative 3D culture Cancer-on-chip device that can easily reproduce in vitro the behavior of microtumors that are closer to the pathology in the patient's body than existing 3D culture technology can reproduce, and to make a broad contribution to the pharmaceutical industry.
  • Grand Prize
    鈴木 雅登
    Representative] Masato Suzuki

    Label-free electrical characterization device that can be identified by cell rotation

    Using a unique well-type electro-rotating device, the electrical characteristics of cells are easily and rapidly detected. We have developed a device that is label-free and capable of separating and recovering single cells of interest, contributing to the field of cell therapy.
  • Kirin Group Award
    竹森 洋
    Gifu Milk
    Representative] Hiroshi Takemori

    Quantification and quality standardization of exosomes across species

    Exosomes are easily measured in a wide range of fields from human to lactic acid bacteria. This technology will enable quality control of exosomes and development of methods to increase their production.
Team Name theme representative
Immunosense Inc. Practical application of a compact, high-performance POCT instrument using the proprietary electrochemical immunoassay method "GLEIA Asuka Ide
Forema Corporation Solving Pet Health Challenges through Intestinal Bacteria Control Yasunobu Koizumi
Saint-Clair Co. Inspection of collision by point cloud of modeled teeth by 3D printing technology Masato Mori
HSbody Protein products that do not boil up Heart of Amesaka
L862 Development of drugs for pulmonary hypertension, nephropathy, hearing loss, etc. Ryu Nagata
very early Development of materials for separation of circulating cancer cells (CTCs) in blood using the intermediate water concept, drug discovery support materials, and ultra-early-stage cancer diagnostic technology Noriyuki Onishi
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