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TECH PLANTER revamps its logo and evolves into a mechanism to further accelerate business creation.
Since 2014, RIVANES has been operating TECH PLANTER as a platform for "solving unsolved issues (deep issues) with collective science and technology (deep tech).
We are pleased to announce that we have renewed the logo with a crown motif that we have used since its launch in 2014. Furthermore, we are updating the way we operate with the aim of building a mechanism that will further accelerate the construction of business hypotheses through collaboration with partner companies and venture companies that we have continued to create within our platform.
In addition, the dates for the kick-off event and demo day for the 2024 season have also been set.
Logo Revision Intent
When we launched Tech Planter in 2014, there were still few research and development venture companies (deep tech ventures) in Japan, and not much public attention was paid to them. In the midst of this situation, RIVERNESS initially launched the "Seed Acceleration Program" as a platform for growth toward commercialization, involving large companies as partners and including not only already established venture companies but also teams of researchers who aspire to commercialize the results of their research and development. Tech Planter was launched.
The logo used was the Grand Prix logo with a crown motif. The logo was intended to provide proof of "recognition by LIVERNESS and the partner judges" in the form of an honor for deep tech ventures that passed the rigorous document review process and presentation screening at the Demo Day.
The Tech Planter ecosystem has since expanded steadily to other regions in Japan and abroad, and in 2020, the concept was changed from a "seed acceleration program" to "solving unsolved issues with "deep tech", a collection of science and technology. In 2020, the concept was changed from "seed acceleration program" to "solving unsolved issues with "Deep Tech," a collection of science and technology. This change reflects the strong will of Liberace itself to "solve global issues" through the collaborative team formed by the Tech Planter. We do not only praise and encourage ventures that have appeared like stars and expect them to solve issues, but we, as the organizer of the event, will take a leadership role to grasp deep issues, join hands with deep tech ventures and partner companies, and form deep tech to create projects to solve issues. Tech Planter is an eco-system for this purpose. Tech Planter has grown into an ecosystem for this purpose.
Four years have passed since the concept was changed, and we feel that the ecosystem and our approach to solving problems have become well understood by all of the deep tech ventures and partners who have entered the program. Therefore, we have decided to renew our logo for the start of the 2024 season.
Changes in the new logo
The revised points of the logo are as follows
From a crown motif to a flat, area-inspired emblem
The area logo has been renewed as follows.
The basic logo will indicate the name of the area only, and the Grand Prix logo will be used only on Demo Day.
As shown in the logo of the Deep Tech area below, there are two patterns for each area, and the one with the GRAND PRIX notation will be used only on Demo Day.
Revised project logo
The Tech Planter project logo has been revised along with the area logo.
Accelerate the development of business hypotheses
TechPlanter has so far established many business and technology partnerships between around 40 teams entered in each area and 9 partners. In addition, RIVERNESS has taken the lead in developing and proving business hypotheses.
Partner-driven business hypothetical case study
Example of a hypothetical business case of a Libanes entity
Japan's First Logistics Demonstration Using Drones with Euglena Biofuel Succeeds on Ishigaki Island
In order to further accelerate the development of these business hypotheses, TechPlanter has decided to create three business hypotheses for each partner in collaboration with the venture and three business hypotheses for each area of business by LIVERNESS. The goal is to generate a total of 210 business hypotheses over the course of one year. In order to achieve this, we will build a framework that includes having the "knowledge manufacturing" know-how accumulated within RIVERNESS learn and utilize a generative AI.
Schedule for Kickoff Event and Demo Day
Tech Planter 2024 will hold a kick-off event and demonstration day as follows
Kick-off event Saturday, June 22, 2024
Deep Tech Grand Prix Demo Day (May 8) Saturday, September 7, 2024
Ecotech Grand Prix Demo Day (May 8) Saturday, September 14, 2024
Marintec Grand Prix Demo Day (May 8) Saturday, September 21, 2024
Agritech Grand Prix Demo Day (May 8) Saturday, September 28, 2024
Food Tech Grand Prix Demo Day (May 8) Saturday, October 5, 2024
Biotech Grand Prix Demo Day (May 8) Saturday, October 12, 2024
Lifetech Grand Prix Demo Day (May 8) Saturday, October 19, 2024
Now accepting applications for 2024 season partners
We are still looking for partners in each area for the Tech Planter 2024 season.
Some areas already have 9 partners, but for any of these areas, companies interested in building business hypotheses in collaboration with deep-tech ventures are invited to contact us from the following link.
Inquiries about this matter
TECH PLANTER Office, Founding Development Division, Riverness Inc.